Hats On Parade 1: Fabulous, Vintage-Inspired Easter Toppers on Fifth Avenue

NEW YORK—The annual Easter Parade and Easter Bonnet Festival on Fifth Avenue brought out New Yorkers young and old proud to show off their vintage-inspired hats and ensembles. The informal gathering takes place between 49th and 57th streets and halfway along the route a jazz band played tunes and dapper couples hand-danced in the middle of the street as a huge crowd encircled to watch. View more hats on Fifth Avenue here.

Further uptown, a survey of stunning, museum-worthy hats is on display. An exhibit currently on view at the Bard Graduate Center Gallery is featuring exquisite hats designed by Stephen Jones and many others. “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” runs from Sept. 15, 2011, to April 15, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

Both hats were made by Dani Rose, at right.

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