Bearden, Lawrence and Carrie Mae Weems: Flomenhaft Showcases Black Art

NEW YORK—Since January Flomenhaft Gallery has been exhibiting a range of material by Black artists—21 works and installations including contemporary photography by Carrie Mae Weems, vernacular wood shack sculptures, collages by Romare Bearden and an ink drawing by Jacob Lawrence. Yesterday was the last day of the exhibit showcasing African American art from the Flomenhaft Collection by nine artists: Bearden, Lawrence, Weems, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Beverly Buchanan, Faith Ringgold and Charles Lloyd Tucker.

The exhibit was on view from Jan. 5 to March 3, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

Above, Installation view, featuring “Up at Minton’s,” 1980 (collage with painted elements) by Romare Bearden. Top of page, Foreground, “Coming Home the Back Way,” 1991 (wood and mixed media) by Beverly Buchanan. In background, three works by Carrie Mae Weems: From left, “High Yella Girl,” 1986 (photo edition 2/3, text silkscreened on mat); “Blue Black Boy,” 1988 tritych (photo edition 3/3, text silkscreened on mat); “Chocolate Covered Man,” 1988 (photo edition 1/3, text silkscreened on mat).

“The Green Room,” 1971 (collage and watercolor) by Romare Bearden.

Detail of “Chess on Broadway,” 1961 (ink on paper) by Jacob Lawrence.

“White Shacks,” 1987 (acrylic paint on foam core) by Beverly Buchanan.

“Josephine and the Ostrich,” 1984 (pastel diptych) by Emma Amos. The work references a photo of Josephine Baker riding along a boulevard in Budapest in a carriage pulled by an ostrich (shown at right, nd).

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