Ricco Maresca Gallery Displays 26 Vintage Hard Hats

NEW YORK—This collection was on display at the Ricco/Maresca booth at The Metro Show. Individually, the hand-tooled hard hats are interesting objects, personalized with names and adorned with motifs that held special meaning to their owners. Hung together, the 26 vintage helmets make a profound visual statement. According to Roger Ricco, co-owner of the gallery, the helmets were custom-made by craftsmen in Indonesia for Americans working on oil rigs on the island nation.

All photos by Arts Observer

“26 Industrial Hard Hats,” circa 1960s to 1970s (repoussé in aluminum).

Detail of vintage helmets.

Installation view.

There are 31 comments

  1. Keith Cannon

    Damn…. I got an idea to do an art presentantion of 9 hard hats painted in different abstract art styles mounted on a wall and didn’t expect to see this. I was hoping no one had this idea before but here is the idea with artistic work that you need to be born into and spend a good portion of your life perfecting. I may need to go deeper into the process and meet the owner of each hat, finding out how the hat was used, bio, etc. At least nobody is giving it a bad review….

  2. Karen Sons

    I have an all aluminum hat that supposedly belonged to George Patton. It has George across the front and ancient Egytian symbols covering the rest of the hat. The engravings arent as deep or intricate as the ones shown above. Any idea how to find out where it came from or verify that it actually belonged to General Patton?

  3. gary wilkens

    I have a real cool one with awesome engravings and a blank face plate to engrave your own name..email me if interested..will send pics and possibly sell for the right price

  4. Nick Horton

    How do i get a hold of one of these!!! can i get a custom one made for my Bar???
    ive been in the oil feild for 6 years now and im a dedicated roughneck…
    one of the coolest peice of oil feild art work, cant wait to get one or two

    1. Tim Long

      I have one for sale, if the price does not scare you away. I got it in Saudi Arabia in the late 70’s. It has no name engraved on the name plate and has never been worn in the field. I can send pictures upon request and discuss the price.

      1. Lindylyn

        My sister has four her husband got while in Saudi back in the 70s they are of the biblical scene very beautiful art work never worn..Not for sale.

    2. Carol

      I have two that were left to me from a family friend. They have animals and Oil and gas rigs and helicopters on them. Very full of detail, beautiful pieces. They still have the liners and are in great condition. I can send pics. on request.

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