Lady Gaga Workshop at Barneys is Monster’s Paradise

The 60th Street entrance of Barneys welcomes visitors to the Gaga Workshop.

NEW YORK—Barneys has transformed the entire fifth floor of its Madison Avenue flagship store into Gaga’s Workshop. For Gaga fans (her little monsters), the holiday initiative is a shopper’s paradise. The workshop features a wide selection of affordable products—from $15 cookies frosted with Gaga’s face (at left), tote bags and toys to journals and holiday ornaments. There are also more pricy items such as enormous $395 candles and a collection of jewelry that includes $1,300 necklaces. The project was promoted online by making a special limited edition product available each day for 12 days before the workshop opened at the store on Nov. 21 (the 12 days of Gaga à la the 12 days of Christmas). The Barneys project is a collaboration with Lady Gaga and her creative director Nicola Formichetti and 25 percent of sales will benefit her Born This Way Foundation.

All photos by Arts Observer

An enormous Gaga sculpture greets visitors to the workshop.

Gaga is in full costume, complete with gold studded red body suit, Tiffany blue hair and endless yellow fingernails.

Exploring the workshop starts when you emerge from the elevator onto the fifth floor.

The arrow points in the direction of this archway.

Busts of Gaga in the form of candles are $395. The candles are lit from inside the back of the head and as the wax melts it flows through the holes in the eyes like tears.

All of the displays feature “Paws Off!” signs.

A Lady Gaga spider serves as a fixture for glass display boxes that feature the jewelry collection.

The jewelry collection includes $1,300 necklaces.

The shelves hold books, journals and paper doll kits.

“Matilda” and “James and the Giant Peach” are among the books available at the workshop.

Another unique set of displays in the form of colorful arms and hands with painted finger nails holds snow globes.

The Gaga Over Barneys snow globes are $95.

A big Gaga bob hairstyle houses hair accessories.

Bows of hair are among the accessories available at the workshop.

A pearl embellished tea cup by Kerin Rose. At right, “Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson” coffee table books that feature photographs by Richardson.

The workshop sells holiday stockings modeled after Gaga’s gravity-defying shoes.

The entire fifth floor of Barneys is dedicated to Gaga’s Workshop. A neon sign inside the street-level entrance to the men’s department lights the way.

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